Collection: Shelterbelt Trees

Shelter Belt Suggestions:

Outer rows: Hybrid Poplars, Siouxland Cottonwood, or Quaking Aspen.

Middle Row: Lilacs, Caraganas, Willows or Cottoneaster.

Middle Row: Amur Maple, Red Osier Dogwood, or Oak.

Inside Rows: Colorado Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Meyers Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Ponderosa Pine or Scotch Pine.

A shelter belt consists of 3 to 5 rows of trees, depending on the amount of space. The outer rows, one or two of them should consist of a fast growing poplar tree planted 8 feet apart. This will get a quick establishment of trees to protect the inside rows.

The next row going inward to the buildings, should consist of a tall shrub to cut winds that may blow under the poplars. Plant this shrub in rows 5 feet apart.

The middle row should consist of a smaller tree planted 10 to 12 feet apart, if space allows.

Two rows of Evergreens on the inside will give you a green look all year round and great wind protection. Plant these trees offset and 12 feet apart.

The outer poplar trees will be 60 feet tall at the end of their 25 year lifespan.  They can easily be cut down for lumber or firewood, while at this time the inside rows are 25 feet tall with a longer lifespan of 70 to 100 years.