Tree Care & Instructions
Planting Instructions For Poplars:
• Soak cuttings in water about 1/2 way up the stick making sure green buds are pointing up. Leave them in water, in a shaded spot for at least 24 hours. They can be left longer until the green buds swell, but it is best to plant them before they shoot roots.
• Make sure the ground is worked black. *Do not plant into sod.* Take a shovel and slice the ground open. Make sure the green buds are pointing up and drop the stick 9 inches into the ground, leaving 1 inch sticking out. Pack in dirt with your foot.
• Water weekly unless Mother Nature does it for you.
• Keep weeds out and the ground black around the tree.
• It will take 6-8 weeks for the roots to set and leaves to form.
Planting Instructions For All Bareroot Trees:
• Keep roots damp in bottom of the bag by adding water when dry. Keep in a shaded spot.
• Make sure the ground is prepared and blackened. *Do not plant into sod.*
• Dig hole and bury roots, packing in with your foot.
• Water weekly and keep weeds and grass out from around the tree.
It is a good idea to leave a slope in towards the tree to help hold water.